Hard Wired or Wireless

Hard Wired

When planning a Network, one should first consider the environment.  Can I use wires, and are there ways to run physical connections throughout my proposed location?  IMG_1840Second; which type of cable will I need?  Are these wires staying inside of walls, or run through drop ceilings or in areas open to the workers?

Different Types of Jackets

Jackets, simply put, are what the wires are protected by.  There are shielded and unshielded (typically used in areas that may or may not require additional protection from other components within an environment).  There are different codes used for different types of installations.  Wires exposed to interiors or run in areas that if involved in a fire could pose a danger to humans, have to use non-toxic material.  However, if wires are run in areas that would be enclosed in conduit or walls, can be made of other material.


Running Wires in areas that may not be secure, or in areas that can be tampered with, could have an effect on connectivity and thereby security.  Obviously, if a wire could be disconnected, that it could have an effect on data reaching its intended location.  Equally, if able to be disconnected could also be plugged into a device that could draw in data not authorized or intended to be a safe storage.

Fiber or Copper

WiredCorrectIf speed between key devices is imperative, Fiber may be a must.  If cost is an issue more so than the speed, then Copper could be the choice.  The cost of Fiber is higher on a per foot basis initially, but also in the components needed to intergrade it with Local or Wide Area Networks.  The skill of installation and care is also more expensive that Copper.  Each have issues with tampering, so care in its placement are equal.