Build Skills
I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
– Mark Twain
Skills are important, especially in today’s job market. And, they’re even more important for those wanting to stay competitive in the work place. But, are they only taught or learned in School?
Is Microsoft’s Office Products becoming the industry standard? Are their’s the only ones offering a full range of acceptable applications? For those looking to advance their career or update a resume we offer such training, and a host of other Applications. To only name a few, there’s Adobe Illustrator, In Design, Word Perfect, and even CAD oriented products. These are a major plus for the Business Owner or Manager. Equally, they’re important for those Self-Employed, looking to enhance or develop new skill sets that will build or improve their business.
Bottom line, DominoEffect. Net will provide just about anyone whats needed to better Market you, your business, and the credentials you want and need to achieve whatever goals you wish.
Custom and Private Lessons
Whether you prefer a classroom, lab environment, or private lessons at home or at the office, we can provide the tools and equipment for you to learn, practice, and hone key or unique skills that will have you jumping right into a full range of Applications. As in most cases, there is no reason for most to invest in a computer, or Software just to start impressing co-workers (or scaring the hell out of them).
Our courses can be designed to deal with what your current environment can handle or provide the equipment needed to deal with your desired training. We can also set up courses tailored to accommodate special or future needs.
Whether you’re looking to learn for a full range of Office Product skills or focus on a specific niche or on updated Versions, we can get you where you need to be in a far less time than that offered by correspondence or night school courses. As our instructions are also based on decades of MS Office experiences, along with a host of Adobe products, we’ll be teaching you things most college or Tech School graduates haven’t even seen yet.
The Cost of Education
The question all have had in the back of their minds. Are we affordable!? How’s five hours, scheduled and broken out as needed, for only $125.00 (one hundred and twenty-five dollars) sound? PDG, right?
Who knows, with using our electricity, our PC’s, Printers, and even getting free coffee or soft drinks, one just might become more refreshed than they planned.
Ready to Rock?
Simply fill out the following form, and briefly let us know what your goal or goals are. Don’t worry, at this point, even if they seem lofty to you, right now. Be candid, because it’s important in our factoring in whether a package works best, or what packages may serve you better.
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