Should I have a Network

To Have or Not to Have

Who needs it!? Other than Johnny, who lives on his own private island, because nobody will ever interact with him, most people have some sort of network. Whether you use Comcast, Dish, Verizon, or any number of Internet Service Providers (ISP), to watch cable TV, use it for your telephone line, and/or to access the Internet, there is some type of ‘Networking’ going on. You wouldn’t (or maybe you would) believe how many ‘High-End’ businesses, with full time IT staff, have Server Rooms looking like this.
DominoEffect.Net offers the best and
most cost effective Solutions for those “Mom and Pop” and even Home Based Businesses looking for secure and efficient resource sharing Networks. Sure, the price of computers are becoming more affordable, but having a printer and set of files for each adds up.
Take the standard or typical business. There are usually a couple of computers in the mix. Maybe two Desktops, or maybe a Laptop and Desktop. Usually, one is connected to an Internet connection and the other is not. Each typically having their “My Documents” folder with it own set of Files.
Why? Typically because Virus Protection is rather expensive to purchase and renew each year, so the one with all the Bookkeeping is left off of the Internet and run with its own Printer and set of Files. Or, the Internet Service provider offers one connection to their Modem and the user isn’t sure how to share that one connection.
And, there could be the issue of money. You wouldn’t believe how many businesses have been quoted prices, equal to buying a small car, for even the most basic setup. Not the case at all with us. Still others are under the misconception that a Network isn’t going to make or break their World… What a shame