Hacked Home Routers are Launching Brute Force Attacks on WordPress Sites – WordPress Tavern

Hacked Home Routers are Launching Brute Force Attacks on WordPress Sites – WordPress Tavern

Who’s got their eye on you?   Not to alarm, but just to raise awareness, the following article has some merit.  The key is to stay aware.  You or your system may not fall prey or even be in harms way, but how’s that saying go?  ‘Better to be safe than sorry.’ And, if in doubt, contact us and we can do an overview of your system and remove all doubt. Security researchers at Wordfence…

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Wire Management

Wire Management

Wired or Wireless What a great paradox.  You want the most security available, even though you may not be working with State Secrets.  So, what’s the best way to go? Well, as any techie, and even our own DominoEffect.Net reps will confirm, there are a serious amount of customers that have pretty much said, “From what I read, wireless is the easiest to crack!”  First, most likely none have ‘read’ a damn thing on the subject….

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